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HOPE in Person Coaches

Coaches from left to right: Rocio, Bibiana, Gigia

Virtual Coach

Online Coach /RG Judge based in Brazil Cris Pinho


All of our USA based Coaches and Instructors are fully certified by (the National governing body of all gymnastics modalities). H.O.P.E. volunteers have their background checked by and all Coaches and Instructors have their backgrounds checked by and USAGYM.

HOPE is very proud of its All Volunteer staff. We gather a great group of moms with great knowledge and passion for Rhythmic Gymnastics who are determined to devote their free time volunteering to our mission. The ladies bellow all have their daughters participating on the program, and work tirelessly to make HOPE Rhythmic Gymnastics an amazing school not only for their children but also for all the community.

Because of the passion we at HOPE put towards each day we are in the gym with the girls, our competitive team is having great success among leading teams. HOPE Recreational classes are among the top after school activities for girls in Greenwich and feed HOPE team with new talents.

We however don't see our little nonprofit shortages as a handicap, but as an opportunity to teach the girls that hard work and passion for what we do make up for all the obstacles. We don't sit and wait for the right conditions. We get what we have and make the best of it. HOPE girls prove that they are learning this valuable lesson in each competition where we are sharing the podium with girls from big and renowned clubs.

Please click on the staff name bellow to read the full profile:

Bibiana Pinto - Founder, President and Head Coach

Certifications: Professional Gymnastics Coach by USAGYM,

Maria Luigia (Gigia) Perenze - Rhythmic Gymnastics Team Coach

Certifications: Professional Gymnastics Coach by USAGYM,

Rocio Gonzales Montes - Rhythmic Gymnastics Team and Recreational Coach

Certifications: Professional Gymnastics Coach by USAGYM,

Cristiane Pinho - Rhythmic Gymnastics Team Coach, Consultant Rhythmic Gymnastics Judge

Certifications: 20+ years of Coaching Experience in Brazil. 20+ years of RG judging experience. Coach Pinho helps HOPE team online from Brazil.


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